Hi all
Amnesty's Cuba Co-Ordinator reminded us that Tuesday 31 August marks the 5th International Blog Day. To mark it, we would be keen if as many people as possible could spread the word about Cuba. We've recently blogged about the fact that despite the recent agreement made by the Cuban authorities to release 52 prisoners of conscience, freedom of expression in Cuba remains at risk. Cuban bloggers have to dictate their posts via phone or send them via email, and are usually unable to read their own blogs. However, through their entries bloggers manage to send out information about the human rights situation in the country, trying to fill the gap created by the lack of independent media.
On International Blog Day - bloggers are asked to post a recommendation of 5 new blogs. We'd be delighted if you could help Amnesty in its Freedom of Expression in Cuba campaign by including in your recommendations on Tuesday a Cuban independent blog
Here are two examples of independent blogs from Cuba. Please note that Amnesty International does not necessarily endorse the content:
http://voicesbehindbars.wordpress.com/ - blog (English translation) of Pablo Pacheco, journalist jailed for 30 years in the March 2003 crackdown on dissidents. He was released in July 2010 with the offer of moving to Spain, where he continues to blog. As a Prisoner of Conscience for 7 years he managed with great difficulty to blog from prison. This blog also has contributions from current Cuban Prisoners of Conscience blogging from prison.
http://desdecuba.com/generationy/ - blog (English translation) of Yoani Sánchez, who has won several international prizes for digital journalism but has never been granted permission to leave Cuba to collect her awards. She says:” Generation Y is a Blog inspired by people like me, with names that start with or contain a "Y". Born in Cuba in the '70s and '80s, marked by schools in the countryside, Russian cartoons, illegal emigration and frustration”. It provides a fascinating insight into everyday life in Cuba and the struggles dissidents face.
Thanks all!
Happy Blogging
Amnesty Blog Project
(From a friend's mailbox)